Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Most days I enjoy flossing my teeth and getting out the good old water-pik. I love the feeling you get of having clean, white teeth. It's refreshing to know I literally got the grimy plaque out to the best of my ability. Not to mention that I have a clean set of chompers afterwards. But occasionally, there are those nights where I 'm so tired, or just plain lazy and I don't feel like doing them... or I'll do them and it was a quick & non-thorough job. I don't like those days anymore than my teeth do, but unfortunately they happen.
And so it was, the other night. I could already visualize myself laying in bed as I brushed my teeth. I forced myself to floss and quickly get at it. As I was rushing through though, I noticed the striking similarities between flossing ones teeth and our daily walk of faith with God. See, just because I flossed really good for 5 days straight prior to this night doesn't mean I can slack off the next time I meet my floss.  Each day is a new day filled with all sorts of good and bad things that get stuck in the crevasses of my teeth. The same is so very true about life and our walk with God.  I may have had 5 straight days of good, sincere and meaningful prayer & devotion, but that doesn't mean I can slack the next day and not pray or put it off till later. We MUST pray daily to renew and restore ourselves in Christ. What I did yesterday was for yesterday. We cannot ignore today. Each new day God gives us is a blessing, and we should always be giving Him thanks and praise.  "That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." -1 Cor. 2:5.  It's the laziness in our mentality that allows us to slowly grow insensitive to sin and sever our relationship with Christ.  We simply can't have a lazy attitude towards God and our devotional life. We aren't lazy when it comes to putting clothes on, feeding our bodies, or filling up our car with gas. Those are things we condition ourselves to understand as a necessity. Our time with Jesus is no different and endlessly more important. For it is HIM who gives us the ability to put our clothes on, who puts food on the table, and who provides the ways and means to fill up our gas tank or even have a car!  "Laziness lets the roof leak, and soon the rafters begin to rot." -Ecc.10:18. We make excuses to push that special time with Christ back a little, which eventually grows to rarely.  Our mind, our's our shell. Just like that very roof the bible verse speaks of in Ecc. When we get lazy, the roof leaks. As rain would pour into rafters causing it to rot after a period of time, so too does sinful nature and worldly affairs to our souls. It creeps in little by little, finally causing a downpour and rotting the inside...hardening our hearts, eventually dying, in need of repair and restoration. Our body is the roof, and our soul is the rafter. Don't let in what will cause damage to your soul.

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