Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Give A Little

"There is no reason we all can't give more."  When that statement is heard, it's typically met with ideas of giving financially to those less fortunate. But realistically, it means so much more than $$$. It means giving a phone call to someone who might be lonely or need to know they're loved. Or giving a smile to someone who hasn't seen one in days, from anyone! Paying attention to that elderly person in the store who can't reach the shelf they need something from is GIVING MORE, that is if you follow through with what you see and what God moves you to do. Jesus DID for others. And he still DOES. He merely wants a repentant, humble, and willing heart that He can use to transform an increasingly dark world. The rewards are too great to count when you genuinely try to give and do for others. When it's sacrificial, the heart changes. It encounters a make-over that may be slow moving, but nonetheless it's happening. And if it's authentic, it shows...it can't be hidden.
There are countless ways to "give more" of your time, energy, and talents to the greater cause we're called to. Once you do, it sends a ripple effect so lengthy, it becomes contagious. It's incredible to know that one little act of kindness, of giving more, can reach the ends of the earth...can reach Heaven.

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